Geographic focus : Portugal, Asia and Far East countries with cultural and historical links with Portugal, and where there are Macanese communities.

Fundaçà£o Oriente Foundation aims at the development and continuity of the historical and cultural relationship between Portugal and the East, specifically China. It promotes all activities concerning the enhancement of its cultural and artistic wealth as well as the scientific and educational development of the territory.

Activities :

- Culture : *Artistic interchanges between Portugal and the Orient (exhibitions)
*Portuguese music, exchange visits by artists and performers, records production and the production and sponsorship of radio programmes in Portuguese
*Theatre and dance
*Historical architecture

- Education and science : research projects, dissemination of the Portuguese language, researches genealogy.
Type of support: scholarships, seminaries, conferences, courses.

- Social welfare : *provides equipment for medical facilities and other clinical support services
*sponsors training programmes in health and social welfare
*supports cases of extreme need

- Macanese Communities : preserves Portuguese language and culture and strengthens the ties among Macanese throughout the world

- Minorities Activities : * Dignity Project: supplying water and electrical energy to two camps of gipsies, promoting good relations between this ethnic group and the other citizens.
*Salada de Culturas : to give education to those who have difficulties with traditional school programmes (especially students from other countries African countries for instance and for adults).
*Nun’s Social Work Foundations: project which helps immigrants living in slum areas in Lisbon and surroundings.
*Associaçà£o de Moradores do Bairro do Armador: for cultural and social animation in the neighbourhood.

Type of support :

- Awards/prizes

- Conferences/seminars

- Equipment

- Publications

- Research

- Scholarships

Procedures :

Applicants should write a letter containing detailed information on the project, including budget, aims and timescale.

Accepted languages: Portuguese, English and French.
Restrictions: Programmes must contribute to strengthening cultural links between Portugal and Far Eastern countries.


Address : Rua do Salitre, 66
1269-065 Lisbon
Tel.: +351.21.358.5200
Fax: +351.21.352.7042
Site web :
Contact : Carlos Monjardino, Chairman

Modified on Tuesday 10 February 2004