About us

The organisation A R T f a c t o r i e s / a u t r e ( s ) p A R T s is a common platform for reflection, research and action, transmission and solidarity for the development of art centres that organize their practices and experiments around the relationship between arts, territories and populations.


  • Develop an international resource platform artfactories.net,
  • Develop expert actions and transmission,
  • Organizing meetings,
  • Represent the art centres within the Government, and the different actors of society.

  • More about us

    Fruit of knowledge and expertise of 2 projects in research and action on cultural projects, centres, art projects and teams of artistic & social creativity.

    Since november 2007, ARTfactories developped its resource platform in close collaboration with Autre(s)pARTs, a group of united actors around the relationship people, art and society.

    These projects have managed to pool their experiences and skills within a single organization ARTfactories / Autre(s)pARTs in order to meet the needs expressed by the different actors of the territories (artists, project, responsible institution, etc.)..

  • Support

  • Contact

    A R T F A C T O R I E S / A U T R E ( S ) P A R T S

    12 rue Ferdinand Lassalle
    31 200 Toulouse
    // International resource office

    The office is located in Mix’Art Myrys

    Phone : + 33 (0)6 78 26 56 76