Name of the responsible structure : Doual’Art
Type of structure : non for profit association
Profile of the initiators of the project : cultural actors
Continent : Africa
Country : Cameroun
Address : Place du Gouvernement, Bonanjo BP 650 Douala Cameroun
Tel / Fax : (237) 43 32 59
Mail :
Contact : Marylin Douala-Bell Schaub / Didier Schaub
Doual’Art is a space for creation, exhibitions, meetings, research and promotion of artists which has the status of an ONG (non-profit organisation) for urban animation by artistic activities.
Officially created in april 1991, it aims to put camerounese contemporary creation at the disposal of the largest public. In this way, Doual’Art try to make the populations sensitive to the urban aesthetic, to stimulate the imagination and creativity, to help the most unpriviledged (youngs, womens, inhabitants of the shanty towns,S) true artistic animations (theatre, photography).
Within its walls, Doual1Art’s team helps the camerounese artistic sector to structurate itself.
The artists in Cameroun and especially in Douala are really isolated and have very few support . Doual’Art helps them to get out of this marginalization, at the national and international levels.
Doual’Art aims to stretghten the artists’s abilities, to encourage the economic actors to support the cultural dynamic in the city, to develop exchanges between creators, and to create an artistic memory .
Among the numerous activities of Doual’Art :
In the street : theatre performances ; mural-fresco ; edification of a monumental sculpture, free concerts.
Inside : one exhibition’s venue ; training workshops ; theater rehearsals; a shop for artists’s material.
Former use : a former building in which was incorporated the Douala King Palace
Surface of the site : 400m2 (inside) et 800 m2 (outside)
Location : city
Foundation year : Doual’Art has been created in1991 but they occupy this bigger space since 1999
Type of occupation : purchase
Owner of the building : private property for one part of the building
Workshop space
Art gallery/exhibition space
Associations spaces
Library/ Documentation centre
Exterior spaces
Social and artistic disciplines
Visual arts
Art workshops for children
In the futur, Doual’Art would like to be more and more open to the music ; rehearsal studios should be created.
Contemporary theatre : Residencies / Creation / Production / Diffusion / Training Workshop / Spaces rental / Debates / Lecture / Conferences / Festivals
Music : Diffusion
Visual art : Residencies / Creation / Production-Diffusion / Training Workshop / Debates / Lecture / Conferences
Street performing art : Creation / Production / Diffusion / Training Workshop
Financial support
The french mission of cooperation and culltural action
The French Cultural Centre of Douala
The Goethe institut of Yaounde
DDA, Switzerland cooperation
Ocre (Opérateurs Culturels en Réseau)
Numerous contact in Africa and France