Created in 1981, IETM now consists of around 420 subscribing members from 40 different countries who are primarily engaged in innovative areas of the contemporary performing arts. Whether festival directors, arts managers, independent producers or event organisers, they are all committed to international exchange and networking as a means of generating synergies greater than individual input.
Public institutions, official bodies and arts funding organisations may also become affiliated to IETM but their membership fee includes a support grant to the network.
The spirit of IETM membership comes from a belief in the cultural diversity of Europe, the thousands of opportunities for co-operation within it, and a desire to voice the needs and importance of the artist in our changing international societies. IETM’s centre of gravity revolves around the activities and interaction of its individual members.
IETM has prioritised its current and ongoing interest in the following areas:
The development and facilitating of artistic and practical exchange between Europe and the former communist countries of central and Eastern Europe.
The fostering of improved cultural exchange between the countries of central and eastern Europe.
The development of cultural links between organisations in Europe and those in the Mediterranean region and the fostering of inter-Med cooperation.
The development of improved production and exchange possibilities for younger artists and for a younger generation of managers/administrators.
Issues of education, training and employment for European cultural managers.
The promotion of network theory and practice.
The development and utilisation of advanced internet-based technologies for the promotion of European contemporary performing arts, the IETM network and the work of its members.
IETM has also set up a fund together with ONDA called Fund Roberto Cimetta for the mobility of artists and professionals of performing arts in the Mediterranean region.
19 Square Sainctelette
1000 Brussels - Belgium
tel +32 2 201 09 15
fax +32 2 203 02 26