FEMEC - Forum euroméditerranéen des cultures
Pierre Lefèvre - secrétaire général
BP n°31 - 5 place de Rungis - F-75013 Paris
Phone number: 33 / 145 894 514
No website available at the moment (25/01/08)
If culture is the interweaving of differences, inter-disciplinarity, transversality and mobility have today become its watchwords.
In the complex and contrasted space of the Mediterranean area, the everyday commitment of cultural professionals is a tough wager. Ending isolation, exchanging information, sharing ideas regarding contemporary issues, taking common action seem essential.
The Euro-Mediterranean Forum of Cultures (FEMEC) was thus established in 2002, following an initiative of the “Culture†group at the Euro-Mediterranean Civil Forum in Marseille, in 2000.
The Euro-Mediterranean Forum of Cultures is a Euro-Mediterranean platform of professionals.Its interdisciplinary structure brings together individuals and institutions involved in the performing arts, publishing, the visual arts, the humanities, the educational sector and journalism.
It strives to push truly contemporary cultural exchanges to the very heart of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership, working both with government-run institutions and agencies and the non-governmental sector;
It provides support to cultural actors concerned about their independence, in particular when their freedom of creation or expression is threatened or their mobility curtailed;
It is a service for all cultural actors seeking partnerships, advice and information;
It is an open meeting place.
The Euro-Mediterranean Forum of Cultures :
shares information useful to cultural operators in the Mediterranean area;
remains alert, in a constant and collegial fashion, to the initiatives undertaken by various levels of government in the realm of culture, within the framework of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership;
calls attention to the viewpoints and proposals of civil societies in the field of cultural projects decided upon in the framework of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership;
organises local and Euro-Mediterranean meetings focusing on contemporary cultural issues;
draws support for its activities from a whole network of member organisations, primarily in Beirut, Casablanca, Cairo, Ramallah, Rome and Tunis.
Board and Administrative Council :
Paul Balta (Paris): Honorary President;
Ahmed el Attar (Paris/Cairo): President;
Ridha Tlili (Tunis) and Roger Heacock (Ramallah): Vice-Presidents;
Ghislaine Glasson Deschaumes (Paris): Secretary General;
Jean-Paul Chagnollaud (Paris): Treasurer;
Giovanna Tanzarella (Paris): Vice-Treasurer;
Odile Chenal (Amsterdam), Reem Fadda (Ramallah), Gerarda Ventura (Roma), Nathalie Galesnes (Roma), Ghassan El Ezzi (Beiruth): board members.