Geographic focus: Italy and Europe.

The purpose of the Fondazione Adriano Olivetti is to promote research, studies and projects through conferences, interventions, workshops, exhibitions and publications.


- Institutions and society: focus on changes in the electoral system, and especially the behavior of electors in Italy and Europe

- Economy and society: promote study and research devoted to transformation processes within the social and economic fields

- Community and society: promotion and organisation of cultural projects of social relevance, also in collaboration with Local Administrations and the European Union. These are aimed at social integration and the analysis of new forms of community life

- Art, architecture, urban planning: workshops, meetings, presentations and exhibition projects on the themes of architecture, planning and the visual arts, analysing the diverse aspects of contemporary culture in an interdisciplinary fashion and promoting cultural and artistic dialogue and training.

Type of support:

- Conferences

- Interventions

- Workshops

- Exhibitions

- Publications

Public :

- Studies

- Projects


Address : Via Zanardelli 34, Via Acquasparta 23, 00186 Roma
Tel : 06 6877054
Fax : 06 6896193
Mail :
Siteweb : www.fondazioneadrianolivetti.i

Modified on Friday 11 April 2008