Here is the programme :
From 9.30 to 10.30 A.M : Foreword: Chantal Lamarre and Fazette Bordage (Artfactories)
10.30 A.M - 1.30 P.M : presentation of each spaces/projects participants
Each space/project participant introduces itself ( in 10 minutes) by answering both questions below :
Why did you create this space/project ?
which are the major issues for your space today?
From 3.00 to 6.00 P.M : «Identities of the spaces/projects: to know each other, to dialogue, to exchange »
Some working groups will be proposed on the different issues that will have emerged in the morning session. Different themes linked to the centres will be approached such as : politics, environment, urban context, architecture, techniques, economy, functioning, organisation, networking, artistic and cultural projects...
The working groups has started... waiting for progress report :