Name of the responsible structure : Compagnie La Rumeur
Type of structure : non for profit organization
Initiator of the project : company
Continent : Europe
Country : France
Address: 1 rue du Docteur Roux 94600 Choisy-le-Roi
Tel : 33 (0)1 46 82 19 63
Fax : 33 (0)1 43 91 78 31
Mail :
Contact : Agnès Chaigneau (administration), Donsaf Ben Nasser (coordination)
A wish to reinforce its identity as a theatre company working in direct contact with the public pushed La Rumeur to set up an art workspace at Usine Hollander, the old Hollander factory. This is a theatre “manufacturing†site, a place where creation is the very essence — not a finished object but a way of evolving. The Factory is open to the people of the town: young, amateur, and professional alike. It encourages thinking centred on the theatrical arts.
Usine Hollander is all the following:
a meeting place between the public and artists and between artists themselves; a place of creation for artists from “la Rumeur†company.
a place where groups of young people can rehearse
a training centre holding courses on how to direct professionals and how to direct young people and groups of amateurs.
finally, it’s a place where all participants join together in the creation of one culminating event, founded on all the different work carried out throughout the year.
The Factory has created its own newspaper called Usinage, a source of information and views on its activities.
Former use : electricity company
Surface of the site : 1000 m² used
Location : suburbs
Foundation year : 1995
Type of occupation : lease (3/6/9)
Owner of the building : private
Rehearsal spaces : 180 m²; capacity : 118
Venues : 234 m² capacity : 90 to 234
Associative restaurant
Offices for the Company "La Rumeur" : 100 m²
Social and artistic disciplines
Contemporary theatre : residencies / creation / production / training workshop
Contemporary dance : creation
Music : creation
Visual art : creation
Financial partners
City council of Choisy le Roi (Ville de Choisy le Roi)
Regional cultural Direction of Ile-de-France (DRAC Ile-de-France)
Departmental council of Val de Marne (Conseil Général du Val de Marne)
Ministry of Youth and Sport (Ministère de la Jeunesse et des Sports)
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