Name of the responsible structure : Compagnie Public Chéri
Type of the structure : association loi 1901
Initiator of the project : compagnie Public Chéri
Continent : Europe
Country : France
Adress : 59 avenue du Général de Gaulle 93170 Bagnolet
Tel : 33 1 43 62 06 92
Fax : 33 1 43 62 82 48
e-mail: l.echangeur@wanadoo.fr
Website: www.multimania.com/echangeur
Contact : Régis Hébette, Antoine Beaufort
The Public Chéri company came into existence in the town of Bagnolet in 1988 on the initiative of town native Régis Hébette. In 1994, the company took over a series of disused warehouses in order to:
permanently install its creation and training activity there
house, and make itself a relay for, experiments with new art forms and the dissemination of young contemporary creativity.
After two years of building work, l’Echangeur was opened to public in 1996. As an alternative, shape-shifting, multidisciplinary site, a true “laboratory of the unexpected,†l’Echangeur tries to cut across different art forms and test out new artistic expression languages that go beyond the traditional picture frame. Decompartmentalise the arts, put together a programming and public relations policy that breaks away from the sole demands of economics and media recognition. These are just a couple of l’Echangeur’s main artistic project lines..
L’Echangeur is a place that fires relations between the public and artists, and more generally, between creation and the community through artistic practices, dissemination, meetings.
L’Echangeur wants to contribute to encouraging the expression of differences, the free circulation of ideas, the sharpening of awareness by encouraging people to frequent the arts and artistic practices. The space is a creativity tool, made available to artists in the best possible conditions. It is also an economic player, contributing actively to job creation, to professional integration, and more generally, to the development of a neighbourhood and a town.
Ancien usage : Ateliers de couture
Surface du site : 600m2 ( 350 m2 : salle de spectacle+ loges+2 bureaux+ bar/ 150m2 pavillon séparé :3 bureaux et espace d’hébergement)
Environnement : proche banlieue/ echangeur autoroutier de Bagnolet
Date de fondation : mars 1996
Type d’occupation : bail de location 3/6/9 reconductible
Propriétaire du bâtiment : bailleur privé
light meals
venue(100 seats/300 standing)
5 offices
housing space : 2 bedrooms / 1 kitchen: capacity 6 people
multimedia space in the bar (3 computer)
interior courtyard
exhibition room : Bar of Echangeur
Social and artistic disciplines

Contemporary theatre : residencies / creation / coproduction-corealisation / diffusion / training workshop / debates / conferences
Music : diffusion
Contemporary dance : diffusion / debates / conferences
Visual arts : diffusion
Street performing arts : diffusion
Multimedia : residencies / creation / diffusion / debates / conferences
Financial partners
DRAC Ile-de-France (Ministry of Culture / Region)
Regional council Ile-de-France
General council Seine-Saint-Denis (department)
City of Bagnolet
Préfecture Seine-Saint-Denis
Actes-if network : 12 independent centres in Ile-de-France