The programming of the main exhibition
space of Rael Artel Gallery in the summer 2005 will take place via an open call
for projects.
Rael Artel Gallery cordially invites young emerging curators to
come up with ideas for a curatorial project. The description of the idea for the
show and the provisional list of artists (with some examples of the work and CV)
is needed to make a proposal.
Deadline: 15th of February 2005
All proposals will be discussed individually with curators for further details. The
selected projects will be realized in close collaboration between the curator and
Rael Artel Gallery.
Contact :
Rael Artel Gallery
non-profit project space
e-mail address
> for artists
As a pilot space, in 2005 Rael Artel Gallery will build a temporary white cube to
balance the activities of the main space. The idea of the white cube space in the
framework of Rael Artel Gallery is in one hand to focus on the idea-based solo
projects while in the other hand to question the conventional format of an
exhibition space. Artists are kindly welcome to make an exhibition project
proposal for the temporary white cube space. The description of the idea for the
show, examples of the artworks and CV is needed to make a proposal.
All proposals will be discussed individually with artists for further details. The
selected projects will be realized in close collaboration between the curator and
Rael Artel Gallery.
> What is Rael Artel Gallery?
Rael Artel Gallery is a small non-profit gallery/project space in the heart of
Pà¤rnu, Estonia, which main aim is to present and promote young contemporary
art and curatorial practices both on a national and international level. Open and
active in the summer-time only, in June 2005 the project space starts its 2nd
season. In the last summer the programming of the gallery-space focused
mostly on photography and sound-based art practices. In the coming season
Rael Artel Gallery would like instead of just dedicating the exhibition space to a
certain medium, rather concentrate on the core ideas and hot spots within the
wider spectrum of the contemporary art.
As already mentioned above, Rael Artel Gallery is a non-profit exhibition space,
and it is funded by the local governmental institutions as well as private
sponsors. The gallery does not give any grants, all projects will be realised in
close collaboration between all parties. Creative solutions for funding the
realisation of projects are always welcome.
> Conceptual details 2005
In continuation with the attitude and approach developed last season the gallery
space will still act as a lab for the experimental curatorial practices artworks
being the central nuclei of the project and main means of communication. Rael
Artel Gallery perceives the exhibition space as a first-hand channel of art
communication where ultimately intensive dialogues can be created between
the artworks and their audiences. Art shows purpose in Rael Artel Gallery’s
opinion is to generate dialogues on every level - dialogues between art pieces
in space, between artists, between an artist and a curator, between artworks
and audiendes, between cultural backgrounds and experiences, between
beliefs and dreams. Curators are invited to re-think the idea of dialogue, to
organize and handle the dialogue, to question the dialogical patterns, to put
people into dialogues, etc, etc.
NB! It is important to remember that in Rael Artel Gallery, the exhibition is a
format for rocking and rolling! Both artists and curators are very much welcome
to curate or develep his/her favourite exhibition!
> Description of space
main space
The main space of Rael Artel Gallery is exclusively for curatorial projects. The
space is located in the centre of Pà¤rnu, next to the main road from city centre to
the beach. The size of the space is 7x8 and it is nearly 3 meters high garage
space, where the ’white cube presentation’ conditions are intentionally avoided.
Because of its physical qualities (smudgy walls, poorly fixed roof, temporarily
installed system of general and spot lighting), the space differs strongly from the
conventional exhibition space. Curators are welcome to use the unique
characteristics of the space, to be playful and creative.
One aspect that curator should keep in mind in developing the exhibition project
is the security of the art pieces and presentation technique. In summer 2005 the
security system will be installed, but gallery still warns againsst the use of
extremely valuable equipment like video projectors and PA systems.
pilot space
Around 10m2 white cube space will be built for artists’ solo projects. As
mentioned before, the idea of the white cube space in Rael Artel Gallery is to
balance the main space activities (solo shows next to curatorial projects) and
the space itsself (see the description of the main space). The solo show in the
white cube should be possible to install in 24 hours.
in general
Rael Artel Gallery believes that a gallery space is not a dull and boring room, on
the contrary, it is a lively platform of communication through images, it is the
meeting point for artists, public and works of art, diverse meanings and