The open-air art museum Europos Parkas (Vilnius, Lithuania) is opening a competition in partnership with the electric networking and supply company Ryt_ Skirstomieji Tinklai to develop a sculpture.
The theme: “Light, electricity, energy”.
The Exhibit is to be situated in the area of Europos Parkas. Its site comprises 55 hectares of rolling hills; woodlands and grasslands dotted with natural springs located just 19 km north of the town centre of Lithuania’s capital Vilnius.
The aim of the competition is to promote new forms of artistic expression and inspire creativity in the framework of open-air art museum. The only stipulation is that the sculpture artistic idea corresponds to the main theme proposed and that it should have been presented recently.
These associations of ideas can be used when developing the project, however they are not indispensable:
Electricity - the engine of comfortable and modern life
Electricity - light, cosiness, good feeling
Electricity - purified uniqueness
Dynamics, energy, swiftness, changes
Innovation, technology, modernity, efficiency
Reliability, solidity, firmness
Diversity, alternative
Social responsibility - development and progress of the society
Dialogue, collaboration, trust, availability to everyone
Net, wires, constructions, infrastructure, active system
Europos Parkas was founded in 1991 by Lithuanian sculptor Gintaras Karosas. The goal of the museum is to give an artistic significance to the geographic center (as determined by the French National Geographic Institute in 1989) of the European continent and to present the best of Lithuanian and international modern and contemporary art examples. The open-air museum exhibits over 100 works created by artists from more than 30 countries, including Magdalena Abakanowicz, Sol LeWitt, Jon Barlow Hudson, Ales Vesely, Beverly Pepper and Dennis Oppenheim among others.
The competition is open to everybody. It opens on the date the regulations are published, and closes on April 30, 2006 (this is the latest day of a project proposal arrival to Europos Parkas). Jury members may not compete. There is no entry fee.
Special Conditions for the Participants
The judging criteria will be based on relevance to the theme, creativity and originality.
The author of the selected project will be provided with a return ticket and free accommodation in Europos Parkas Residency Centre to implement the project.
The sculpture will be permanently exhibited in Europos Parkas.
The author of the selected project will be provided with all the necessary materials for the implementation of the project as well as technical assistance.
Materials: permanent materials, resistant to the atmosphere agent (stone, metal, glass, steel, fiberglass, bronze and other)
Dimensions: no special regulations.
Stage One Submission
Sculpture project proposed for Europos Parkas (sketches, drawings or model (or photographs));
A description of the submitted work;
Images (slides, photos, etc) of previous artworks;
A short authors biography (CV) and list of exhibitions.
The winner project is to be selected on May 15th, 2006.
The sculpture is planned to be built and installed in Europos Parkas until September 1st, 2006.
For more information or to register, contact:
Gintaras Karosas, Europos Parkas President, Joneikiskiu k., LT-15148 Vilnius r., Lithuania.
Tel.: (+370 5) 2377077, 2 377070, Fax: (+370 5) 2377077