Courants du Monde programme and International Cultural University
International training and exchange programmes, initiated by the Ministry of Culture and Communications, organized and coordinated by the Maison des Cultures du Monde.
Courants du Monde 2006 (from 13 to 30 November 2006)
One hundred French-speaking cultural professionals from abroad will be invited, for 3 weeks, to meet their French counterparts during lectures, workshops, technical internships, visits and individual meetings (in Paris and around France). The option « Séjour Culture », which is an individual programme of meetings and visits in a specific field (fine arts, performing arts, cultural action, ...), is targeting managers of cultural institutions, atypical spaces that have been rehabilitated and converted into pluridisciplinary cultural spaces for creation and diffusion.
The Courants du Monde programme covers the costs of accomodation in Paris, possible programme related travel in France and a daily allowance.
For more information about Courants du Monde :
International Cultural University (September 2006 - July 2007)
This academic course (Master) is organized in association with two Parisian universities (Université Dauphine et Sorbonne Nouvelle) and aims to equip foreign French-speaking executives with the all-round knowledge and tools of analysis required for the management of cultural projects as well as their financing.
For more information about the International Cultural University :
How to participate in the Maison des Cultures du Monde programmes
The application forms are available at the cultural services of the French Embassies and can also be downloaded on the following website :
(important : all application forms need to be validated by the French Embassy in the country concerned).
Applications must be returned before
Courants du Monde : 31st of March 2006
International Cultural University : 14th of April 2006
Contacts :
Maison des Cultures du Monde - 101, boulevard Raspail - 75006 Paris - France
Stéphanie Harvier, / Tel : +33 1 45 44 71 46
Isaline Bouchet, / Tel : +33 1 45 44 75 90