The Jeunes Talents Cirque operation, first initiated in 2002 by the French Ministry of Culture as part of the Year of the Arts of Circus, is renewed for 2004 and is open to European countries. This operation is intended to spot and accompany new works and to support young creation and art research in the field of circus through adapted assistance to the project of each artist or troupe.
The Jeunes Talents Cirque operation is destined to bearer of a first or second creation or art research project in the field of the circus arts. Aids will be alloted to meet specific project development needs (residencies in France or abroad, grants, writing assistance...) of artists or troupes distinguished during the final selection stage which will be held in September 2004 at the Théâtre de la Cité Internationale in Paris.
Participation criteria :
It is not necessary to be organized as an association or to hold a promoter licence (licence d’entrepreneur du spectacle). It is possible to enroll alone or as a group with the exception of artists still in training. There is no age limit. Entrants must not have received help from the Ministry of Culture - DMDTS or DRAC or of any other similar institution abroad for foreign entrants. The project presented cannot be an excerpt from a show already presented.
Calendar of the operation :
Entry files will be available from mid-November and have to be returned before January 31, 2004. Following a first selection based on these files, about forty artists or troupes will be invited to present their project as a sketch or « rough draft » at one of the four French regional venues before a jury of professionals (artists, promoters, coaches...).
Ten to twelve projects will then be selected which will receive financial support. They will be presented in public as a fully developed excerpt of the future performance, or under an adapted form for research projects, at the Théâtre de la Cité Internationale, in Paris in September 2004.
Aids will be alloted to meet specific project development needs (residencies in France or abroad, grants, writing assistance...) of artists or troupes distinguished during the final selection stage.
Young Talents Circus is an initiative from the French Ministry of Culture and Communication (DMDTS). It is sponsored by the Ville de Paris, the Ile-de-France Regional Council, the AFAA/Circasia, the ADAMI, the SACD, the SACEM, the BNP Paribas Foundation.
Entry file :
Must be returned to Jeunes Talents Cirque, c/o Scènes de Cirque, 18 avenue Daumesnil - 75012 Paris - France ; or at the following e-mail address:, before Janaury 31, 2004.
It is meant to get better knowledge of entrants and to present your project. Thanks you for filling it carefully (preferably typed in French or English). You can develop aspects you think important on a separate document and enclose additional material (photos, texts, video,...). These documents must be on A4 paper and must not be bound to be easily photocopied.
Calendar :
DEC 2003-
JAN 2004 : Arrival of entry files (until January 31, 2004)
FEB-MARCH : Selection of files
Selection of files, distribution between the regional preselection venues. Notification of the entrants selected by mail including day and time of presentation.
APR-MAY : Regional preselection
April 1 & 2 : Académie Fratellini - Saint-Denis (93)
April 27 & 28 : Les Arts à la rencontre du cirque - Nexon (87)
Early May : Espace Athic - Obernai (67)
May 10 & 11 : Cirque-Théâtre d’Elbeuf - Elbeuf (76)
Presentations will not exceed 20 minutes. It will be followed by an approximately 30-minute interview with the jury. This presentation will not be public.
Entrants will bear travelling expenses during the regional preselection stage.
JUNE-SEPT : Preparation of the national stage
Artistic preparation:
At that point, a lump sum will be allotted to each selected project which will allow entrants to cover expenses for the following stage. This accompaniment is a first aid for young artist on their way to professionalism. It will help them better apprehend the costs and preparation of the « fully developed excerpts of the future performance» which will be presented during the final stage.
Technical, administrative and logistical preparation :
o Assessment of technical needs of the various project presented with the technical director of the Paris event.
o Administrative briefing
o Arrival and set up planning for the final presentation.
SEPT 04: National event
The projects selected will be presented as « fully developed excepts of the future performance » at the Théâtre de la Cité Internationale in Paris. They will be performed in the course of two or three programmes indoors and under a big top before the national jury.
Each programme will be held two days in a row during free public presentations. Artists wil be paid and expenses covered.
The audience will include professionals in the distribution of circus show or other art disciplines, and the general public. Particular attention will be given to the presence of artists in a variety of stage disciplines : circus, dance, drama... And this encourage future collaborations.
Additional aids will be allocated during this final stage. These aids mainly aim at accompanying artists or troupes in the further development of their writing and research. They will be determined according to the needs perceived by the jury during the various stages of the event and in agreement with the artists during a final interview.
Young Talents Circus is an initiative from the Ministry of Culture and Communication (DMDTS). It is sponsored by the Ville de Paris, the Ile-de-France Regional Council, the AFAA/Circasia, the ADAMI, the SACD, the SACEM, the BNP Paribas Foundation.
Production coordination :
Scènes de Cirque
T : +33 (0)1 43 40 48 60
F : +33 (0)1 43 40 48 69