This final report is the outcome of the work of the Open Method of Coordination Working Group of European Union Member States Experts on Mobility Support Programmes, a group of twenty-five experts representing an equal number of EU Member States that expressed an interest in participating. The Working Group was launched in early 2011 under the Council Work Plan for Culture 2011-2014 which implements the European Agenda for Culture

The working group’s mandate was to screen and assess mobility support programmes and schemes in order to identify the barriers and problems faced in particular by small-scale culture operators, young artists and cultural professionals, and to look at good practice examples illustrating how these difficulties were overcome.
Focusing on the benefits of the artisits’ mobility all around the world, the present report proposes five key principles in order to build a strong framework for it. This report is therefore especially timely as it will serve as a resource for policy makers and cultural organisations in the EU Member States, cultural organisations in third countries, and the European Commission, on how mobility support programmes and schemes can be adapted to the new circumstances.
The five key principles are :
- Key Principle 1: Acknowledge and build on the values and benefits of artists’ mobility
- Key Principle 2: Enhance complementarity between EU Member States’ policies and EU action in the supports for artists’ mobility
- Key Principle 3: Adapt mobility support schemes to changing needs and circumstances
- Key principle 4: Artists’ mobility support is a shared responsibility
- Key principle 5: A call for efficiency and effectiveness
Download the executive summary
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