Dear friends,

The summer comes... To prepare well the start for the new season, numerous calls for projects and publications around big international events are already available: the 6th Berlin Biennale, the 2nd Asia-Europe Young Urban Leaders Dialogue in Shangai, “Centro Abierto 2010†in Lima...

The occasion for us to renew our objectives: facilitate the artistic mobility and discover the other manners to think of the relations between population, art and territory!

In these time of general crisis, it is more than ever necessary to stay aware of what’s going on in Europe and in the world, to tighten the links of solidarity between cultural actors and with other social sectors too. With strong and active networks, we would be able to glimpse perspectives.

So let us know if you get some news!!

Good reading!

The team of ARTfactories/Autre(s)pARTs

Modified on Tuesday 15 June 2010