A new Cultural center, The "Tuzraktar", opened in
Hungary (Budapest) in a huge 30 000 m2 industrial
complex in June 2005. It is a
creative plateform where artists have access to free working residency
places, practicing, and exhibition rooms. Already 15
theaters and dance companies are working there,
photographers, visual artists have
occupied the place as well, one radio under construction,
500 m2 concert room, 1800m2 exhibition galery, etc.
The space will be used until the end of October (for winter
reasons) and they are welcoming artists from everywhere to
join, produce, perform, exhibit and make
To send info about your projects and your
works, contact Etienne Samin
This activity will contribute to improving knowledge
and skills:
through an exchange of knowledge and expertise
shared among the participants,
through their experiences in creating and developing
long-standing projects,
through the results of these experiences involving
different populations and implying different
development projects,
support and accompagny emergent artists in order to
develop strategies, ideas, opportunities, for them to
live by their artistics creations (in the future) and
help them to reach the art market and develop
to built a solid social project within arts works
and spaces wich will foster and allow interactive,
non-determined forms of activities meeting and
in sharing and comparing experiences with all
the other persons taking part in the project, we will
be in a position to improve the skills and knowledge
of every participant, helping and guiding each of
The activity will offer an opportunity for all
participant to create and develop interesting
resources and people’s networks which will permit us
in the future to think about common project
definitions, and to start cross-exchanges with other
artistic residential programmes in different European
The mission of the association (Fun-Go association /
Tuzraktar project) is to support and accompany
emergent artists in order to develop strategies,
ideas, opportunities for them to live by their
artistic creations and help them reach the art market
and develop contacts (inexhibiting their works and
express their willings through our public relation
network and our media support ˆ television,
newspapers, radios, etc.).
Besides this, we want to build a solid social project
within arts works and creative spaces which will
foster and allow interactive, non-determined forms of
activities, meetings and partnerships, sharing common
projects and furthering openings to the future.
Following these ideas, we:
offer real opportunity for all to create and develop
projects resources and networks, in providing
contacts, build cross-exchange programs and develop
production, diffusion, and exhibition resources,
think about common projects through various points
of view:
. the place of experimentation (= possibilities
ˆplace, support, advices- for artists and workers)
. cultural nodal center: differnts artists, companies,
meet and organise creative and cultural life
space for education and teaching: we develop
communication and teaching through various mediums and
experiences (workshop, Theatre In Education, games,
interactiv activities, conferences, ?).
collectivity center role: being opened and closer to
We offer a new approach of culture access for persons
confronted to social exclusion, and provide working
and diffusion spaces for free,
Parallel economy / solidarity in exchanges:
we give free spaces to create and work. In exchange,
the artists have to show their works (exhibitions,
performances, concerts, ?) which create the life of
the palce and animate a dynamic movement. In crossing
the activities and the arts fields, we multiply the
opportunity to experimentations and new medium of
communication and research.
artists come for free (ex: concert) in exchange we
offer them to practice for free in our studio or
concert room. The notority of the Tuzraktar can help
them to be heard, seen, aplaused, by more people and
differents publics that may wouldn‚t have heard them
in another context/place. That is also why we give
more time for exhibiting/showing their works and more
?dates‰ for the performances and concerts.
by collecting demos/concerts records, we will
reforce our role to diffuse and promote artists
productions abroad and connect them to international
artists productions and networks.
In taking part in this activity, we all discover
tools, means and methods for improving our function,
capacity and daily work in supporting and helping
artists in their development and facilitate their
access to European Union‚s professional networks,
exchanges, and informal programms as well.
In exchanging and confronting knowledges and
informations with other European organisations we
intend to analyse the structures we met, and develop
our project in an European context.
Through meetings and sharing information about
artistic and cultural development projects in other
European countries this common experience will allow
me to share knowledge and experiences about European
cultures which actually take part in a collective and
symbolic European culture investment. It really
concerns all the local identities which contribute to
the building of a European identity, centering in
particular on the question of identity and the
definition of contemporary art and culture and on the
social issues of their own development.
This activity will help artists to move around Europe
and will allow different publics to discover artistic
works from all parts of Europe.
Concerning next steps :
opportunities to develop Culture Project 2000 with
European partners in
possibility to put on the Internet supplementary
resource and information
centres to help artists in their professional
setting up a team of researchers (urban planners,
architects, sociologists...) whose main research axis
will adress the notions of local identity, proximity
projects, collective memory and imaginary,
networking data banks with other research teams in
other countries,
establishing links between networks in Western and
Eastern Europe,
pooling tohether conceptual tools among different
European countries.
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