Name of the responsible structure: Subtopia
Type of structure: Subtopia is a joint-stock company own by the municipality of Botkyrka
Profile of the initiators of the project: institutions/artists
Continent : Europe
Country : Sweden
Address: Rotemannavà¤gen 10, 145 57 Stockholm, SE
Tel: +46 8 530 610 00
Mail : Manager :
PR/marketing :
Website :
Subtopias main purpose is to be a platform for dreams and ideas in art, dance, movies, radio, design, contemporary circus and everything within the creative industry. The core of Subtopia lays in collaborations between culture, education, business and social engagement. We believe that this mix leads to innovation and creativity and it makes Subtopia a place of diversity. We fill our paradise with suburban festivals, hip-hop studio and daring performances as well as political discussions, conferences and business development.
One of our projects: Showcase 2007 we collaborated with AF Kultur (the national employment agency for people working with culture), the municipality of Botkyrka and Cirkus Cirkà¶r. During two months twenty circus artists, dancers, musicians and directors plus a production group developed a showcase day for contemporary circus: live power point, shows in unusual places, circus workshop and experience lunch. The target group was the business industry. The aim was to give the artists work and to give businessmen ideas about how contemporary circus can be useful for their companies.
Former use : Industrial building, agricultural purposes
Total surface of the site : 12 000 m2
Location: Suburbs, Botkyrka, region of Stockholm
Year when the building was constructed: 1910
Type of occupation: contract
Owner of the building : The municipality of Botkyrka
Infrastructures / Facilities
Main building: 3000 m2: Rest, training facilities, studios, big conferensce/stage.
Circus Hall 1: 1000sq m
Circus Hall 2: 1000 sq m (400 sq m mobile dancefloor)
Circus Hall 3: 400 sq m
Film-Media House: 400 sq m
Studios: 200 sq m
Gula Villan: 500 sq m, accommodation in process to become a circus school for very young children
Alhagen: Circus Village for 7 caravans and the building 500 sq m
Cirkushangaren: 5000 sq m raw industraial building for concerts, theatre, circus, clubs etc
Social and artistic disciplines
Street dance
contemporary dance
music/song projects
recording studio
film projects and film education
education in radio production
youth group activities
event services
meeting places for rental
circus hotel
casting agency
artist studios
web production
Financial support
Municipality of Botkyrka
Trans Europe Halles