ARTfactories/Autre(s)pARTsmade a partership with Trans Europe Halles to organize four of the seven workshops held in the TNT during the meeting. The trainings was interactive and based around participants’ own experiences and ideas. the workshops have invited guests who will share their stories as case studies.
Pics below!
Do you know your neighbours? Do you know the people living and working around your centre? What is their background, their pofession, their story?
In this workshop, we will engage with arFsts who have worked with their neighbours, investigating a common bond (a village, an apartment building or a history) that they share. What can we do with this neighbourhood relationship? How can we work together to strengthen our local community? Let’s share our stories!Guests: Guy†André Lagesse (Les Pas Perdus, Marseille, France) and Edwina Goldstone (Verkatehdas, Hà¤à¤meenlinna, Finland)
Workshop leader: Karl Hallberg (Not Quite, Fengersfors, Sweden)WORKSHOP B. CROSS†BORDER EXCHANGE
This cross†border cooperation explores the relationships between people with common ideas, but different national contexts. This workshop will discuss challenges and possibilities of these exchanges, looking at case studies from inside and outside of TEH.Guests: Céline Suel (Kulturfabrik, Esch†sur†Alzeme, Luxembourg) and Hélène Métailié (La Grainerie, Toulouse, France)
Workshop leader: Dušica Parezanović (REX, Belgrade, Serbia)
Carnivals and other large cultural events take place all over the world, but how many work with local actors over long periods of time? We will look at different types of events and their role in the community, raising questions such as: How to involve inhabitants and local actors? What is the place of the local people in the organisation of this kind of event?Guests: David Boyd (Beat Initiative Festival, Belfast, Ireland) and, Maud Robert (KompleXKapharnà¼m, Villeurbanne, France)
Workshop leader: Xavi Pérez (TEH Ambassador, Spain)WORKSHOP D. TRANS†SECTOR PROJECTS
This workshop will focus on cultural projects creating cooperation between actors from various fields: culture, education, social, economics, philosophy... The key words are dialogue and sharing of experience and competence. What are the aims of these trans†sector projects? How can a trans†sector project foster the link between art and society? Could all sectors be involved in an artistic project? Is it an option for building a new cultural economic model?Guests: Gabi Farage (Bruit du Frigo, Bordeaux, France) and Agata Etmanowicz (Art Factory Lodz, Lodz, Poland)
Workshop leader: Christian Mayeur (Entrepart, France)
The summaries of the workshops will be avalaible very soon!
28 photos