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Nom de la structure responsable : KRUL vzw/asbl
Type de structure : non for profit organisation
Porteur du projet : artists / association
Continent : Europe
Pays : Belgique
54 rue des alliés
1190 Forest-Bruxelles
Tel: +32-2-5344855
Fax: +32 2 5394704
Mail : info@bains.be
Website : http://www.bains.be
Contact :
Lilia Mestre - artistic direction
Diana Raspoet - administrator
Silvano Magnone - Technician
Bains Connective was founded in 1997 in Vorst/Forest (Brussels) as an artistic laboratory, that offers residencies in the fields of music, dance, visual arts , ... Every professional artist can apply for a residency, no matter experience, age, discipline, culture or nationality. BC tries to create an open atmosphere where dialogue, experiment and exchange are essential. The result is a fertile environment for cross-disciplinary research and innovation. To support the need to develop, show and progress, BC organizes Lab Outs (showings of work in progress), Plankton Bars (lounges with artistic interventions) and theme periods.
- Studios: visual arts (movement and dance), experimental music,
photography, documentation, sound, ....
- Meeting-café: during each work-in-progress and performance
- Performances room
- Workshops
- Offices
- Meeting room
- Exhibition room/ gallery
- Rehearsal room
Social and artistic disciplines
- Experimental music: creation, production, diffusion, research
- Contemporary dance and movement: creation, diffusion, training
workshops, discussions, conferences, performances
- Architecture: creation, research
- Visual arts: creation, production, exhibitions, performances
- Solidarity/ Citizenship: activities with the district
Bains::Connective projects
Lab::out :: public demonstrations of work-in-progress, open rehearsals, jams, discussions and interactions between creators and public.
Plankton::bar :: lounge-bar with several artistic interventions, every last Friday of the month.
Cine::club :: movieclub for children (6-12) and their parents, with films, discussions and workshops.
Renovation:: renovation and re-orientation of the building
People of 2006: Didier Annicq, Alain De Jonge, Saskia Dekeyser, Valentina Pouliova (Board), Luea Ritter, Vincent Malstaf, Luc Emiel Rooman, Lilia Mestre, Carole Arnould, Aki Ilunga, Leen De Spiegelaere (staff) and all the volunteers and artists, supporting us.
Vlaamse Gemeenschap
Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie
Federaal Impulsfonds voor Migrantenbeleid.