Artistic experimentation in Marseille during the European capital of culture

The city of Marseille is a particularly fruitful area for projects involving what are known as “Nouveaux Territoires de l’Art†[New Are(n)as for the Arts] or “NTAs†. This designation (following the recommendations of a report which Fabrice Lextrait was appointed to write in October 2000 by Michel Duffour, who was then Secretary of State for Decentralisation of the Arts and Heritage under the Socialist Jospin government) was established at an international conference organised in 2002 in the Friche la Belle de Mai centre in Marseille. It was then evident that the NTAs cover an abundant reality involved in the essential issues of artistic and cultural action. But the fantastic hope raised by the 2002 conference did not keep its political promises. However, the founding values of the projects that identify themselves with this designation are more active than ever. There are many different, effective approaches, as proven by the Marseille example. The perspective of Marseille Provence 2013, European Capital of Culture and the spotlighting that will be created by this event is an opportunity to remind oneself that these creative areas concretely experiment the conditions required for the establishment of real artistic and cultural democracy.

But what is the place of this experimentation in the Euorapean capital of culture? in the society?
During two year artist, expert and researcher will follow the processes and will wonder about the mecanism of this artistic and cultural actions.

Modified on Friday 20 May 2011