In the frame of RIS.TOC, 2nd festival of urban arts in Argentina, April 2004, an international conference EICU will be held under the theme "Urban cultures in a World of Exclusions-transcending borders, spaces and genres" on 7th and 8th APRIL 2004 at Centro Cultural Recoleta in Buenos Aires.

Contacts / Information:

Toni Gonzà¡lez / Director EICU - Barcelona
Miguel Masllorens / Productor EICU - Bs. As. - 4802-8492
Diego Altabà¡s / Productor EICU - Bs. As. - 4777-0213
Lucas Inza / Director Festival Arte Urbano Ristoc - Rosario - 4777-4946
Gonzalo Castagnino / Colaborador EICU - Bs. As.

E-mail : eicu@humorurbano.com.ar
Website : www.humorurbano.com.ar

Buenos Aires, Argentina 7th and 8th APRIL 2004
Centro Cultural Recoleta

Urban Arts in a World of Exclusions
- transcending borders, spaces and genres-

EICU’s 2004 proposal is about contemporary cultural and artistic movements that are originated from excluded groups of the official culture.

In the cities, urban arts and subcultures reflect the tensions between mainstream power and minority expressions, dealing with experimental, aesthetic, informal, unfinished, low budget or even illegal actions.

This kind of groups, artists, companies, troupes, travellers or communities, are maybe the best paradigm of the art and cultural vitality in a world of constant evolution.

That’s why things like street arts, sexual and anti-globalization demonstrations and cyberspace and multimedia interventions, among many others, represent new kinds of art hybrids that we can find daily in urban landscapes around the world.

EICU 2004 pretends to ponder these topics with a new perspective on the frame of the challenges of cultural globalization and social inequalities.


- Transcending Borders : Immigrant and exiled artists movements. Multicultural and ethnic groups.

- Transcending Spaces: Street Arts. Public space. The spontaneous spectator.

- Transcending Genres: New hybrids. Multimedia performances. Art and technology. Hip Hop Culture. Minority sexual movements.

Confirmed Speakers

- Marcel.là­ Antàºnez (Espaà±a) Uno de los fundadores de la Fura dels Baus, actualmente realiza innovadoras performances multimedia. (www.marceliantunez.com)

- Jean Marie Songy (Francia) Director de ECLAT Festival de Teatro de Calle de Aurillac. (www.aurillac.net <http://www.aurillac.net/> )

- Ted Killmer (USA) Director del Street Theater Program del Utah Arts Festival (www.uaf.org)

- Philippe Mourrat (Francia) Director de les Rencontres del Parc La Villette. Programa dedicado a la cultura hip hop de los suburbios de Parà­s.

- Nan van Houte (Holanda) Directora de Nes Theatres de Amsterdam. (www.nestheaters.nl)

- Toni Gonzà¡lez (Espaà±a) Coordinator de las Jornadas Internacionales de Artes Urbanas de Calle (Barcelona, 2002) Artistic director Mixtur.Arts festival in la Fiesta de La Mercè.

- ONG Ovejas Negras (Espaà±a) Colectivo de Arte Urbano. (www.ongcrew.org)

- Nicanor Molinares (Chile) Director de la Cà­a. de teatro aéreo Dementia Praecox. (www.dementioteka.com)

- Graciela Rodrà­guez (Argentina) Directora Festival Magdalena Latina. (www.themagdalenaproject.org)

- Ricardo Talento (Argentina) Director de la Cà­a. de teatro comunitario Los Calandracas.

- Antonio Célico (Argentina) Director El Baldà­o Teatro, Festival de La Và­spera y Encuentro El Séptimo en Humahuaca.

Modified on Thursday 25 March 2004