For ten years, the Pépinières européennes pour jeunes artistes have been encouraging the emerging creators’ advancement and their professional blossoming in order to take an active part in setting up a set of new relations. Prompting the youth’s mobility, the creative strength as well as the expressions mix, it aims at putting forward the idea of culture as a vector of exchanges.
Through its different concepts of residency, the Pépinières grants emerging artists the opportunity to take up an open space of creation, increasing the disciplines, as well as the knowledge and the nationalities. Thanks to prolific partners and to lively European places, the hosting organisations offer the possibility for the artists, the public, the local communities and the institutions to meet.
The mode of operation of the residencies encourages the cultural actors to meet, to discuss and to exchange in order to eventually produce and lay out the possible representations of a social, European and cultural invention.
The programs
To date, the Pépinières européennes pour jeunes artistes, by running different activities, have supported more than 300 artists. With a network of more than 50 residencies scattered in 42 cities of the 15 EU countries as well as Romania, Slovakia and Quebec/Canada, and with the help of the 18 national co-ordinators and the 117 partners of the different countries, the organisation has set up different programmes :
the map programme
This programme is intended for emerging creators between 20 and 35 years old and aims at supporting artists who are starting their career. The artist is associated to a professional organisation, a city representative and a co-ordinator and he stays for a period from 3 to 9 months in the hosting organisation of his choice.
artists in context - artists against exclusion
This programme is intended for emerging creators between 18 and 25 years old and takes place in the framework of the European voluntary service. It allows to carry out, during a 6-month period, an artistic project focused on social realities. Through the development and the participation in local projects, the artists commit themselves in new forms of citizenship.
Contact :
Pépinières européennes pour jeunes artistes
Patrice Bonnaffé
Pierre Keryvin
BP 13 9/11 rue Paul Leplat
78164 Marly le Roi cedex
tel : + 33 1 39 17 11 00
fax : + 33 1 39 17 11 09
e-mail : info@art4eu.net