An Adventure Beyond-Art, Myths, and Everyday Life in Europe – 2013 - 2017
Meeting the Odyssey is a social and artistic collaborative project sailing from the Baltic to the Mediterranean Sea. Each summer from 2014 to 2016, artists and organizers from different European countries will travel together, giving workshops and performing theater pieces.
The project will combine elements of the Odyssey, contemporary themes relevant to Europe and stories collected through exchanges with the local population.
More informations
Invited by the Réseau en scène Languedoc-Roussillon, ARTfactories/Autre(s)pARTs was called to make an observation and evaluation of this project. Our association will coordinate an analysis on various aspects of this project, in particular about the questions of borders and identity, and the impact on the local populations. Our method of work will be inspired by the methodology of the "research-action", which involves the research team at the heart of the project.
> The first step of this ambitious challenge started this summer, our team was in Opole (Poland) for the first research residency.
We start to spread the collaborative research tools, to make the interviews, and to collect precious informations to start the analysis.
The research is in progress! The first result will be available soon...