Local Cultural Policies Handbook – Steps, Tools and Case studies is now available in English. Previously only available in Turkish (Istanbul Bilgi University Press, 2011), this publication pulls together new methodological tools and diverse practical experiences from civic participation in local cultural policy development from across Turkey.
With contributions by renowned experts, and edited by Eylem Ertà¼rk from Anadolu Kà¼ltà¼, it is based on knowledge and field experiences from the ECF, Anadolu Kà¼ltà¼r and Cultural Policies and Management Research Center (KPY) at Istanbul Bilgi University. These were gathered from the project Invisible Cities: Building Capacities for Local Cultural Policy Transformation in Turkey.
The project supported three long-term strategic cultural development processes in the cities of Kars, Antakya and à‡anakkale and was made possible through the assistance of the Matra Program of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It was delivered through ECF’s European Neighbourhood programme.
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