
Name of the responsible structure : High Street Project
Profile of the initiators of the project: artists
Continent : Asia
Country : New Zealand
Address: Top Floor, 130 Hereford Street, Christchurch
Postal adress : PO Box 3733 Christchurch, New Zealand
Tel: 64 3 3665363
Mail : highst@ihug.co.nz
Website : www.hsp.org.nz
Contact : Nik Wright, Director


High Street Project was established in 1992 by emerging artists who recognised the need for an experimental art space in Christchurch. In the seven years that HSP has been developing, Creative New Zealand has supported the initiative by funding seven projects HSP has requested assistance for. Theses projects have enabled local, emerging and experimental artists the opportunity to evelop and present their work within a supportive yet critically engaged environment.
HSP is directed and co-ordinated by a Charitable Trust Board with the assistance of an employed administrator. The board has a floating membership. Generally board members and administrators are eitheir artists or people with knowledge and experience within art spectrum.

Foundation year : 1992