Contact image 200 x 140

Name of the responsible structure : Association Bidà³ de Nou Barris
Type of structure : Non for profit association
Profile of the initiators of the project : Nou Barris’ neighbourhood associations, and other sociocultural associations
Continent : Europe
Country : Spain
Address/tel/fax : Portlligat s/n
08042 Barcelona
Tel +34 933539516
Fax +34 933503000
e-mail :

Description image 200 x 131

The Ateneu Popular of Nou Barris is a cultural centre open to the public,
born as a result of neighbourhood residents’ struggle to restore the area to
public use.
The numerous cultural activities that took place over the years helped to
shape several specific groups, whose regular events gradually defined the
lines of work that characterize the current personality of the Ateneu:
circus, theatre, cinema, street animation, music, etc. Additionally, these
groups established the foundation of a management model in which
decision-making is based on maximum participation and responsibility of all
interested parties.

From the beginning, we have considered cultural activities a tool for social
transformation. Both the quality of the activities offered and the support
from neighbourhood groups that share our cultural philosophy contribute to
this process of change and improvement. For this reason, we prioritise
certain aspects when programming our activities: creativity, training,
production and distribution - all within an organizational framework that
promotes participation on all management levels.

Former use : asphalt plant and machines storehouse
Architect of the renovated building: Pere Camps
Total surface: 1500 m2
Place property : Barcelona’s City Hall
Occupation type:4 years free lending contract with City Hall. In negotiation for new contract
Location : neighborhood of Barcelona
Foundation year of the centre : 1977

Infrastructures image 200 x 139

-  Theatre hall/ cinema: 280 m2
-  Bar/Local/restaurant : 120 m2
-  3 Offices for associations
-  3 Training places
-  Children Circus School, Adult Circus School
-  Art gallery: Exhibition place in the restaurant and theatre hall
-  Rehearsal places for theatre and circus
-  Video studio

Social and artistic disciplines image 200 x 139

-  Visual arts : exhibitions, video studio
-  Music : concerts
-  Dance : performances, festival (in April)
-  Theatre: performances, street theatre
-  Circus : performances, festival, productions, school, rehearsal rooms
-  Video : video edition
-  Cinema : film exhibition

- Workshops image 200 x 135

- Community projects
- 1 magazine
- Kids specific cultural activities, on Sundays
- Recording videos studios
- Artist education/training programmes
- Social projects with other community associations
- Solidarity projects

Other structures/organisations resident on the site :
image 200 x 136

-  18 resident associations

Financial support

- Barcelona City Hall

% of own income : 35%

Others : Associacià³ de Circ de Catalunya
Districte de Nou Barris
Coordinadora Cultural de Nou Barris
Coordinadora d’AAVV de Nou Barris


Trans Europe Halles

Modified on Friday 10 June 2011